Monday, October 14, 2019

Radical Survival Strategies for Struggling Colleges

Mergers, acquisitions, shorter degree programs and major shifts in course offerings are just some of the tactics being employed to lure more students.

For Some Colleges, the Best Move Is to Merge

Higher education is different from business, and the essence of the school being acquired must be taken into account.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Re: New survey results: What 8+ hours of screen time does to grades

Hello there,

I reached out a few weeks ago regarding a research piece I wrote with on the effects of phone screen time on grades.

I just wanted to check in and see if maybe now is a better time to hear your thoughts on it and if it could be of value to you.

Again, I'm more than happy to have a quick call about it if that works better for you. Here's my calendar link if you'd like.



Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Re: New survey results: What 8+ hours of screen time does to grades

Hey there,

Just a quick follow up in case you've missed my email.

If you're short on time right now — no worries. I won't bug you about it again.

But if you've had a chance to quickly look over my research piece on screen time effects, I'd love to know if it could be of any help to you!

I'm more than happy to have a quick call about it if you have any questions. Here's my calendar link.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Monday, March 4, 2019

New survey results: What 8+ hours of screen time does to grades

Hi there,

I apologize if this isn't the right email for this inquiry! If so, please just send me along to the right person:)

I was doing some quick research on the effects of phone screen time and phone addiction and came across your piece.

It's an incredibly insightful piece and so I was hoping to get some feedback from you:)

I recently did my own research with 875 college students and found a lot of interesting insights regarding phone screen time and grades.

For instance, the % of students with 0-1 hours of screen time that have a grade of a C or D was 0% but that number skyrockets to 17% for those with 8+ hours of screen time.

You can read all of the takeaways here: New Study: How does Screen Time Affect Grades?

Since I see that you linked to this article on screen time and technology addiction from the NY times, do you think my research could be interesting to you and your readers as well?

